The Foster Practice

The Foster Practice


Stress and Anxiety


Whilst stress can have a negative connotation in the English language, in fact most stress is positive. Whilst it may not feel good, it is natural and can ensure we perform appropriately at the right moments. These feelings and the physical responses relate back to our Flight, Fight and Freeze responses. As such, our sub-conscious will protect us through releasing chemicals in order that we can perform appropriately to deal with a given situation or threat. This is why we feel sick, tired, tearful, why our palms sweat or our hearts race. 

Stress becomes an issue when it is inappropriate to the situation. That is not to say that what the Client experiences is not real to them. There are different types of stress, here are some examples:

  • Acute - Anticipated demand or pressure.
  • Episodic - Recurring stress: habitual, overabundance of tasks
  • Chronic - Perpetual stress: sufferer often unaware due to constant nature


Sustained stress or specific traumatic event(s) can lead to anxiety. These may be rational or irrational; however, they manifest as very real to the sufferer. It may even be that the sufferer understands that their anxiety is irrational, but is unable to control it. Anxiety also creates physical symptoms; heart racing, sweating, feeling sick, extreme emotions, dry mouth, insomnia, dizziness to name but a few. Due to the perpetual nature of anxiety, it ultimately leads to a feeling of loss of control.

Anxiety comes in many forms and the best thing to do is to call to discuss or book a consultation. Don't be afraid to have a conversation with your GP: whilst these feelings can, and often do feel irrational to the sufferer, they are surprisingly common. You are not alone and there are always avenues of support. However, here are some examples of anxiety;

  • Phobias
  • Panic Attacks - Appear suddenly. Feeling of loss of control.
  • Social Anxiety - Overwhelming, sufferer feels extremely self-conscious
  • Generalised Anxiety - Excessive and persistent stress and hopelessness.
  • Obsessive Compulsive - Compulsion to act on thoughts, comes in many forms. 

Note: Certain areas of anxiety need GP approval and may need therapist supervision. In certain cases such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) the therapist may need to refer to a multi-disciplinary team (or be part of). The therapist will guide you through and refer you if necessary.

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